
1891 Census of Canada - Hector Gillis

File name1891 Census of Canada - Hector Gillis.jpg
File Size680.17k
Linked to191702; 191785; 191843; 192582; 192619; 192638; 192664; 192677; 192689; 192698; 193656; 193673; 193744; 193766; 193793; 193828; 193856; 193906; 193944; 194106; 194193; 194244; 194595; 194626; 194631; 194638; 194651; 194659; 194665; 194675; 194682; 194690; 194695; 194699; 194704; 194712; 194765; 194790; 194799; 194832; 194837; 194843; 194854; 194986; 195011; 195031; 195081; 195089; 195094; 195111